Ok, see if you agree with me... The French Fairy brought a great big bag of goodies and let it explode all over the shop!
I'm dyin over these chairs! Why oh why didn't I find them first!!!?
and, do you know what's incredible, they are insanely comfortable, just right to drape your arm over that little dip on the back
blush tufted silk... oh my god
New painting by moi too, i like this one, thinking of taking it back home!
and what about this! Incredible...
ok, i'm pretty sure these chairs are mine, i just don't know it yet... soooo yummy
how do you chose when there are too many cool chairs to pick from!
there are also two of these...
hard to get a good shot with it in the window,
but they're this woooonderful shade of faded, softened grayish, tealish blue
I told you.. the freakin french fairy...
here we go again... are you kidding me!? where do they find this stuff?
completely charming in everyway...
I don't even remember if i showed you guys these sofas... check out the antlers on the wall and the light fixtures made from roots, and painting by moi...
oh, and... there are two of these architectural window/door thingys,
and let me tell you, you should run not walk to the shop to buy them. they won't last long.
I have some architectural pieces, old arched windows i bought from Fetch, on either side of my bed,
and they are one of my most favoritest things in my house...
i know favoritest is not a real word, but i still like to say it
you should get these...
four of these little dining chairs with this yummy fabric...
hmmmmm, reupholster or not?
neutral linen, bleached dropcloth???
ok, not as Frenchy, but fun, and pretty!
check out those awesome funky chevron pillows
...great color...
and those antlers again
they're so epic on that dark wall
sure don't want to met the guy with antlers that size in a dark alley!
in fact what animal has antlers that size for goodness sake???!!
love that pillow with the fringe too...
j'adore this photo with all the texture and soft colors, and the touch of peach in the shell painting
(i can't believe i just said j'adore)
check out the table
complete total, unadulterated bling...
to finish, i just wanted to let you guys know, that a painting i did of a white cow
now named "Eulalie"
is featured in Miss Mustard Seeds newly released book
"Inspired You"
you can find it at Barnes and Noble or on Amazon
She is the coolest blogger in the world, if you go over to her
you'll be there for days reading all her posts...
She has like a gazillion million followers,
and her book is charming and inspirational, and loaded with gorgeous photos...
It'll make you want to go makeover your whole house!
AND, she did it all on a teeny weeny budget
So, you can imagine how tickled i am to have my painting featured on one full page in the book...
she made it look so good!
this isn't the photo in the book, this is from her blog
I really want to thank all of you amazing customers of Fetch,
the incredible women and men i've met there
who have bought my paintings and approached me in the shop and told me how much you love my work
It's pretty darn wonderful for me when you do that
i promise i won't say j'adore again
It's what keeps me painting, and makes it all worth it
and if i'm at the shop when you come in, and start following you around with the Miss Mustard Seed's book,
trying to show you my painting in it, and bragging about how cute the book is
I'm asking ahead of time....
please forgive me...
I'm a little excited about it!
Oh, yeah, and i'm supposed to tell you guys that the shop hours are changing
Sunday's will be mostly closed soon
Karan forgot to tell me when
we're such dorks
so, except by appointment or if you happen to stop by and someone's there, the shop will be closed on Sundays starting sometime soon
hmmm... unless anyone is interested in working for really great discounts?!
or if you need a Fetch shopping fix
you could call Karan, and make her drive over and meet you!
she'll do it too!
that's all for now...